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Does Pineapple Juice Help in Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Doctor dentist puts the retractor to the patient.

The internet is now home to all sorts of different information that can easily be consumed by anyone. With this, anything can now become a source of information,  even social media platforms are becoming more and more educational, right?

And because anyone can post just nearly anything they want online, you’re not sure whether everything in social media is accurate!

One example of this is a trending TikTok video about how pineapple juice can help in wisdom teeth extraction. So, you might wonder if there’s a truth behind that claim. 

Actually, there is! 

Let’s talk more about it here in this blog.

What Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Before we dive into the potential benefits of pineapple juice, let’s take a step back and understand what wisdom tooth extraction is and what it really entails. Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that emerge between the ages of 17 and 25—they are also known as the third molars because they are positioned at the very back of our mouths.

And because they show up during early adulthood, many people do not have enough space for new molars anymore. That’s why it’s just typical for wisdom teeth to lead to dental issues like impaction, crowding or even infections.

So, when these problems arise, extracting wisdom teeth is often recommended to prevent further complications.

The procedure involves removing one or more of the wisdom teeth from the gums. Wisdom teeth removals are a common procedure performed under local or general anaesthesia, depending on the complexity of the extraction.

Why Recovery From Wisdom Teeth Extraction Can Be Challenging

While wisdom teeth extraction is already a common surgery, many patients still feel tense and anxious not because of the procedure itself but the recovery period that comes after. 

Now, to give you context, the recovery stage can be challenging because your mouth has experienced some stress as the dentist takes out your wisdom tooth, plus trying to recuperate from the procedure. 

After the extraction, it’s common to experience discomfort, swelling, and even bruising. These symptoms typically peak within the first 48 hours after surgery. However, full recovery can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the individual and the complexity of the procedure.

The Pineapple Juice Debate

Pineapple Juice Before and After Wisdom Teeth Surgery | TikTok

Courtesy of: @havenlough on TikTok

In this video, it’s seen that this guy has been consistently drinking pineapple juice for two days and a couple of hours before his surgery. And while he seemed to have swelling (and maybe even discomfort) during his recovery from wisdom teeth extraction, the swelling already toned down one day after his surgery.

Now, the big question is does pineapple juice really help in wisdom teeth removal?

Let’s take a look.

What’s in Pineapple Juice That Can Help with Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

We are all aware that pineapple alone is already rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, which is known for its immune-boosting and wound-healing properties. However, no research has found that pineapple juice can ease the pain after wisdom tooth extraction.

What sets pineapple juice apart when it comes to reducing swelling and inflammation is the presence of an enzyme called bromelain.

Bromelain is a group of enzymes found in the pineapple stem and fruit that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. For decades, bromelain has been used in traditional medicine to reduce swelling and bruising after surgeries or injuries. Some studies have also shown that bromelain does alleviate inflammation during post-operative recovery.

How Bromelain May Help After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The theory behind drinking pineapple juice after wisdom teeth extraction is that the bromelain in the juice can help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s response to surgery, but excessive swelling can prolong recovery and cause discomfort. By reducing this inflammation, bromelain could potentially help you heal faster.

Some studies have suggested that bromelain can reduce swelling, bruising, and pain after surgery, though more research is needed to fully confirm its effects, especially in impacted third molars.

Nonetheless, the enzyme’s anti-inflammatory properties make pineapple juice an attractive option for those looking for natural remedies to aid in recovery from wisdom teeth extraction.

Should You Drink Pineapple Juice Before or After Extracting Wisdom Teeth?

After learning about pineapple juice and the effects of bromelain on inflammation, you may have thought of another question, “should I drink pineapple juice before or after my tooth extraction?”

Drinking Pineapple Juice Before Surgery

There’s no harm in drinking pineapple juice before surgery. Some people recommend drinking pineapple juice before wisdom teeth extraction, usually starting a few days before the procedure. The idea is that by building up bromelain levels in your system, you can reduce the severity of swelling and discomfort post-surgery.

However, it’s important to approach this with caution. Pineapple juice is acidic, and consuming large amounts can cause irritation in the mouth or stomach. Plus, if you do drink juice out of the can, there’s even more chance of getting high blood sugar, which can affect the blood in your gums during surgery.

If you’re considering trying this, it’s a good idea to speak with your dentist or oral surgeon first to ensure it’s safe for your specific situation.

Drinking Pineapple Juice After Surgery

Drinking pineapple juice after wisdom teeth extraction can also have potential benefits, but again, moderation is key. After surgery, it’s usual for your mouth to feel sensitive, and acidic foods and drinks can sometimes irritate the surgical sites. If you decide to try pineapple juice post-surgery, consider diluting it with water or opting for bromelain supplements instead to avoid any discomfort.

Recovery From Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Remember one thing: pineapple or pineapple juice is NOT a ‘miracle cure’ when you’re trying to recover from wisdom tooth surgery. While it worked with other patients, there are still other ways for you to recover well after your surgery. 

  • Try to use a cold compress to reduce the swelling of your face.
  • Consuming soft foods is also good, so you don’t have to put too much stress on your mouth. 
  • Staying hydrated is also important to flush out toxins and amplify healing.
  • Ultimately, follow your dentist or oral surgeon’s orders because they know exactly what can help you with your healing journey.

Consult Blue Gum Dental for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The potential benefits of pineapple juice for recovery from wisdom teeth extraction are largely due to the bromelain enzyme’s anti-inflammatory properties. While some patients may find it helpful in reducing swelling and discomfort, it’s important to use caution and consult with your dentist before incorporating pineapple juice into your recovery plan.

If you’re considering extracting your wisdom teeth or have questions about your recovery, don’t hesitate to talk to our dentists at Blue Gum Dental! 

Whether it’s just a simple clean or a complex surgery like wisdom tooth removal, our dentists are here to help you feel at ease and give you pieces of advice to make your oral health journey feel good.

Book a consultation with us today!

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