Emergency Dental Services

Emergency Dental

Sometimes, dental emergencies happen at the most unexpected times and days. If you’re looking for emergency dental services, our dentists are ready to help out.

Blue Gum Dental offers same-day emergency appointments during business hours. Please call ahead to discuss your needs with our team.

Feel Comfortable and at Ease with Our Help

Book an emergency dental appointment today with our dentists so we can help you take that discomfort away and feel at ease once again with the help of our comprehensive emergency dental services.

If you are experience pain or inflammation in or around the tooth, there can be a number of causes:

  • Tooth decay
  • Infection
  • Biting into something hard
  • Flossing
  • Something getting stuck between your teeth

No matter the cause of your toothache, it’s important to get your teeth checked as soon as possible. Delaying a visit to your dentist can lead to increased discomfort and worsening of the problem. 

Your dentist can diagnose the likely cause, and recommend an appropriate treatment. This ensures you receive treatment promptly and minimise any discomfort quickly. 

If your gums are bleeding, swollen and tender, you should get them checked out by your dentist.

Swelling, bleeding and tender gums can be caused something simple, such as a tooth brush that is too hard, or flossing. It can also be a sign of gum disease. 

Gum disease, known as gingivitis, is caused by a build up of dental plaque along the gum line. Left untreated, gingivitis can progress into periodontitis, a serious type of gum disease. It can lead to receding gums, increased likelihood of abscesses, and compromise the health of dental bone beneath the gums. 

Speak to your dentist at the first sing of bleeding gums and discomfort catch gingivitis early, and prevent the condition worsening. 

If you have a chipped or broken a tooth, be sure to keep your tooth fragment and bring it with you.

A tooth fragment can often be rebonded. If you are experiencing discomfort, over the counter pain medication may reduce discomfort until you are able see your dentist.


Fillings and crowns can wear and fall out over time. Wear and tooth decay are common causes.

It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. This ensures the damaged filling or crown can be repaired quickly. This can be particularly important if there are rough edges exposed and you are experiencing pain.

If you have a broken denture we recommend resisting the urge to repair the denture yourself. Home repairs will often work for a very short time, often failing and in some instances making the damage worse. The good news is that a chipped denture can be repaired. In a similar process to making the denture, a prosthodontist can repair the chipped tooth and ensure the repair matches the colour and shape of the other teeth. For dentures that suffer significant cracks and breaks, we recommend speak to our team. Your dentist will be able to provide advice on the most appropriate method of repair. Your dentist will also work to have the repair completed in a timely manner to reduce the inconvenience a damaged denture can cause.

If your tooth was knocked out during an accident or due to injury, please follow these precautions:

  • Only touch the very top of the tooth
  • Take care to not touch the root
  • Do not scrub the tooth or scrape off any tissue
  • If the tooth needs cleaning, gently immerse it in a sterile saline solution or milk
  • If possible, replace the tooth to its original position and hold it firmly in place
  • If this is not possible, place the tooth underneath your tongue or keep it in a small quantity of milk
  • Contact our team as soon as possible

If your tooth is loose but not entirely knocked out, it is still important to see your dentist as soon as possible. With fast action, you may be able to preserve the nerve endings and blood vessels to save your tooth.

If you are experiencing discomfort, applying a cold compress and pressure to the area can help until you are able to see your dentist. 

A tooth abscess is caused by a bacterial infection. They often result form untreated tooth decay and cavities.

A dental abscess can occur at the tooth root, or in the gums.

It is important that you get in touch with you dentist as soon as possible and have the dental abscess treated. 

Your dentist will treat the abscess in two ways. One is to treat the infection, often with antibiotics. The other is to drain the site. Both treatments aim to save the tooth. In severe cases, the tooth may need to be removed. 

An untreated tooth abscess can progress, leading to serious complications. 

Blue Gum Dental Clinic

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