Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Brentwood

Whenever you’re missing a tooth or two, implants can help get you smiling again. Dental implants are a great solution to fix missing tooth gaps in your smile that feel and look like your natural teeth.

These implants will act as posts on those missing tooth gaps. These will then be covered on top with custom-made crowns that look exactly like your teeth. 

dental implant screws Brentwood
Example of a Dental Implant
Dental diagram showing two dental implants used to support a dental bridge
Example of Dental Implants supporting a Dental Bridge

A dental implant replaces a missing tooth with a fixed implant. Unlike a denture, the implant is permanent and is implanted into the jawbone via a titanium root. 

The dental implant uses a crown to match the colour, shape and alignment of your existing teeth. 

Once complete, the dental implant looks, feels and functions just like your natural teeth. 

Dental implants are popular for a range of reasons. They include: 

  • The ability to withstand greater bite pressure than dentures
  • Prevent bone loss in the jaw
  • Reducing the risk of loosening of adjacent teeth
  • Correct the formation of hollowed or collapsed cheeks that can occur after loss of a tooth or extraction
  • Superior comfort over dentures
  • Use the same dental hygiene requirements as natural teeth 

A dental implant replaces a missing tooth entirely.

A dental bridge, as the same suggests, fills the gap created by a missing tooth above the gum-line. The bridge is suspended between existing teeth and fills the missing gap. 

A dental implant is stronger than a dental bridge as the foundations are mounted in the jawbone. 

A dental implant procedure is usually completed over several appointments. Key stages include: 

  • X-rays provide your dentist with a picture of where the proposed implant will be located
  • The health of the jawbone is assessed
  • The dental implant is inserted into the jaw bone

After allowing the treatment area to heal, the procedure moves onto:

  • Preparing the newly position root to accept the dental crown
  • Creating a mould of your mouth to create the crown
  • Attaching the crown to the root

Follow-ups may be required to ensure timely healing of the treatment area.

Dental implant are considered a minor procedure. Discomfort may be experienced and is typically managed with with anaesthetic during the procedure, and oral pain management during the healing stage. 

Discomfort will subside and, once healed, the dental implant will function just as well as your natural teeth. 

While it’s natural to be apprehensive about dental implants, discomfort is well tolerated by most patients. Many patients mention the end result being worth any temporary discomfort.

Looking after your dental implants starts with getting your dental hygiene basics right. 

Brushing, flossing and regular check-ups with your dentist will keep your dental implants looking great and keep your mouth healthy. 

While dental implants are stronger than bridges or dentures, care to avoid chewing hard foods and not to chewing things such as ice, pencils or anything else that may damage your veneers. 

Some of our patients prefer to avoid foods and drinks that are known to stain teeth, such as coffee. Lifestyle choices such as cigarettes will negatively affected the appearance of your veneers. 

Blue Gum Dental Clinic

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